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We are situated in the Adelaide Parklands between the suburbs of North Adelaide & Bowden. We are a little different from the traditional community garden, as although the garden has a fence, all plots are available for members to participate in planting and harvesting. Our aim is to create a place for like minded people to share in the joys of growing fresh produce which can be enjoyed by all garden members.


The garden was built with generous financial support of Renewal SA by the crew from Civil Train with assistance from City of Adelaide. Plans developed through community consultation and workshops turned a nondescript area of barren parklands known as Park 27B into an edible garden. The garden is overseen by a dedicated committee from varied professional backgrounds who are all committed to making the garden a growing asset and meeting place for the local community.


The regular garden drop in time is most Saturdays. If you want to ensure you can catch up with a garden member at this time, send an email to or send us a message on our Facebook.


Join our mailing list



We rely on the generous support of the community, individuals and businesses. Support from people like you helps us to continue to be a gathering space for all who appreciate and love gardens and gardening and being part of a growing community.

Become a 'Friend' of the Garden

Join with a vibrant community of like-minded people. Assist with fund raising, working bees in the garden, art work or share your gardening interests and abilities with others. Being a Friend of the Park Terrace Community Garden Inc. is being part of the larger community.


Friends come together:

  • to enjoy any number of activities within the garden,

  • share in the harvest of selected produce,

  • access facilities including tools,

  • have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting,

  • to nominate to join the garden’s Management Committee,

  • have a say in what happens within the garden,

  • get involved in special events, and

  • share your interests and expertise with others.


Apples might grow on trees but money doesn't. We need small injections of cash to stay sustainable. Stay tuned for more information about our latest fundraiser/s.

Join the Mailing List

Not sure about being a friend yet? That's ok, we still want to be friendly. Join the mailing list to get all the updates including how you can support the garden, when you can help out at working bees and when to come along to fun events! You can also email us directly at

Like us on Facebook

Be a great virtual mate and keep up with the latest by liking our Facebook page, sharing it with your networks, and of course liking our posts.

More likes = more exposure in the social media world and we need to keep getting the word out about how fabulous the garden is!

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Being the responsible organisation that we are, there are some things that just need documenting and taking care off. You can find all the paperwork associated with Park Terrace Community Garden below, including our latest membership form.

Fact Sheets

Organisaton Information

Garden Information  & Membership Form                  


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